Our Mission

We are working to communicate the social, economic and environmental sustainability of the soybean chain.


Contribution of soybean and soy derivatives to animal and human nutrition.

Global Demands

ISGA country contributors will satisfy the increasing global demand for soybean products through the improvement of quality and quantity to meet consumer expectations.

Best Practices

ISGA will work together to develop the best agricultural and commercial practices for the entire chain.

About ISGA

Through collaboration, the members of ISGA strive to ensure that soybeans remain a preferred source of food, feed and industrial products worldwide.

The International Soybean Growers Alliance (ISGA) is made up of growers and industry representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Paraguay, the United States and Uruguay, who share a commitment to meet the rapidly increasing world demand for quality and healthy soy products produced in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner.

By coming together as a group with common goals, ISGA creates the following benefits:

  • Shared best practices for environmentally-friendly and responsible soybean production
  • Transparent and equitable labor practices in the soybean production industry
  • Collaboration to ensure a sustainable supply of high-quality and safe food and feed products
  • Education about the benefits of genetic advancement and biotechnology

The following organizations comprise ISGA

Our Market Access

To satisfy the increasing global demand for food, ISGA will work on the sustainable supply of soybeans and soy derivatives.

  • ISGA will consolidate the soybean producers’ voices in opposing market restrictions, excessive tariffs and scientifically unsound non-tariff barriers regarding environmental, health, chemical residues or biotechnology approvals.
  • Increasingly, market access barriers are being implemented to the detriment of the people in an importing country. ISGA contributors understand the deleterious effects such market disruptions can have and will implement efforts to confront those efforts.

Our Competitiveness

ISGA contributors work to keep a solid market position for soybean and soy derivatives, against competitor oilseeds, in their respective markets.

South America and the United States are traditionally viewed as competitors, but this collaborative effort will help develop a select few global soybean markets.

India, with the second largest population in the world, is positioned to surpass China by the year 2040 and holds enormous potential as a new market for soybeans and soy derivatives.

ISGA will focus its efforts on the rapidly-growing soy market of India and will pursue other opportunities of beneficial interests, for the growing global need for food, feed and industrial uses.

The country contributors of ISGA have demonstrated they can satisfy the increasing market demands, both in quantity and quality. As an example, in order to satisfy the increasing demand for protein meal and edible oil, the ISGA soybean producing countries increased their production of soybeans over the last few decades from 31 million metric tons to most recently, 281.264 million metric tons.

Our Communication

The ISGA is combining its collective expertise, through a communications program, to maintain a global positive position for its soybean producers.

ISGA will communicate on the benefits of free global markets and on the sustained efforts for improving soybean productivity through tools such as biotechnology and the implementation of soybean production best management practices.

ISGA supports a free world market as an alternative to better satisfy the increasing demand for food. That is why ISGA will work on the reduction of trade restrictions.

The improvement of productivity is fundamental to ensure the sustainability of the food supply and an optimization of the uses of the natural resources through the utilization of tools such as the biotechnology, direct planting (no tilling), integrated pests management controls and others.

Our Best Practices


Our customers and other stakeholders shall be able to see that the soybean producers are united and that its results are well oriented. The soybean production market environment is ready for the main soybean producers of the world to work together.

Best Management Practices

The soybean production industry has a deep knowledge of the best management practices needed for effective and efficient development of soybean production standards.

Informed Processes

The most effective process is the one conducted by the soybean producers, because it is practical and is based on the industry, and it also incorporates the interests and concerns of the consumers and governments.

Global Offices

Argentina (Secretariat for ISGA)

AACREA, Asistente Coordinador General
Sarmiento 1236 5to piso
(1041) CABA
O: (011) 4382-2076/79 int.114
C: (011) 15-31274551

ACSOJA, Asociacion de la Cadena de la Soja Argentina
Paraguay 777 – 4to. Piso (S20000CVO)
Rosario Santa Fe
T: 54-341-4213471 int 2289

AAPRESID, Argentinean No-Till Farmers Association
Ing. Agr   Asistente Prospectiva Tecnologica
Paraguay 777, Piso 8 Of. 3 y4
2000 Rosario
Santa Fe


APROSOJA, Associacao dos Productores de Soja do Estado de Mato Grosso
Rua B s/n, esquina com a rua 02
Centro politico Administrativo- COA
Edificio Famato – 78.050.906


APS, Soybean Producers Association of Paraguay
Supercarretera km 4 1/2. Camino a Hernandarias Ciudad del Este – Alto Parana Paraguay
Phone: +595 61 570 115
Mobile: +595 981 406 451


CAPECO, Paraguayan Grains & Oilseed Exporters Association
Asunción – Paraguay
Avda. Brasilia N° 840 c/Sgto.
Gauto – Asunción, Paraguay.
Chile 753 ler. Nivel
T: (595-21) 208855
F: (595-21) 213971

United States

American Soybean Association
12125 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63141-5009
P: 800-688-7692; 1-314-576-1770
F: 314-576-2786

United Soybean Board
16305 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 100
Chesterfield, MO 63017
P: 800-989-USB1 (8721)
F: 636-530-1560

U.S. Soybean Export Council, Inc. 
16305 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 200
Chesterfield, MO 63017
P: 1-636-449-6400
F: 1-636-449-1292


MTO (Uruguay): Mesa Tecnologica de Oleaginosos
Av. Gral. Rondeau 1908 Piso 1
11800 Montevideo – Uruguay
Tel. móvil (+598) 99 92 99 65
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